Mapping | Segmentation | Networks

Literature Landscape

The landscape of drug and disease publications is ever-evolving, with a constant influx of new contributors and increasing volume. A data-driven overview of geographic, topic, and industry sponsored activities will provide visual, interactive, and insightful targets for your personalized needs.

  • Who are the active names and institutions/clinics publishing in your space?
  • How are names and institutions/clinics interconnected through publication activity?
  • What is the geographic and volume distribution of activity?
  • Who is publishing with industry sponsored affiliations?

Drug Tracking

Releasing a new drug to the market is a monumental achievement, but what comes next? With a comprehensive range of features including patient-reported outcomes, active clinical trials, competitor drug analytics, sentiment analysis, and media reports, we provide you with invaluable insights and actionable information.

  • How is your drug performing in real-world scenarios?

  • What are the active clinical trials, emerging trends and potential collaborations?

  • What is the public sentiment and media perception surrounding your drug?

Network Mapping

Network Mapping offers an unparalleled insight into the intricate connections between major players in any disease area or scientific space. Network Mapping allows us to extract key information about the centers and healthcare professionals (HCPs) who are interconnected, whether through common disease areas, shared technologies, or collaborations. Discover the hidden web of collaborations and partnerships that shape the landscape of medical research and innovation

  • Who is collaborating with whom in your area of interest?
  • Which centers and HCPs share common disease areas, activities or clinical expertise?
  • Who are the key players for your major competitors? 

Clinical Trial Landscape

Clinical trial research frequently involves strong industry and medical partners. We use customized segmentation and complete activity overview to identify your big and small picture needs. By providing a comprehensive activity overview and customized segmentation, you gain unparalleled insights into the contributors, partnerships, and geographic distribution of trials.

  • Who are the most active contributors in your space?
  • What partnerships and collaborations have been forged by each industry sponsor?
  • What is the geographic and volume distribution of activity?

Segmentation Analytics

Segmentation analytics can be used to identify institutions, stakeholders, speakers, KOLs, consultants, attendees, and activity subsets of significant interest to you. We use personalized algorithms across multiple objective data points to provide evidence-based ranking and impact mapping.

  • Who are key stakeholders in your space across multiple scientific and clinical activities?
  • What partnerships and collaborations have been forged by the key stakeholders in your space?
  • What activities connect your key stakeholders?

Rare Disease Ecosystem

Navigating the scientific landscape of rare diseases can be challenging.  We offer a comprehensive look into the rare disease space – we showcase key trends, identify relevant individuals and institutions, highlight patient-reported outcomes, and offer customized solutions based on your specific needs.

  • What are the key trends in the scientific landscape of rare diseases? 
  • Who are the key individuals and institutions shaping the rare disease space?
  • What are the patient-reported outcomes in rare diseases?
  • Who are the leaders and active players in publications and clinical trials?